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Advisors: Clair Hammonds & Brooke Hall

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Mrs. Hall's Contact Information:


Room: 400

Mrs. Hammonds' Contact Information:


Room: 502


Founded in 1928, FFA is a dynamic youth organization within agriculture education that can change lives and prepare students for leadership, personal growth, and career success. FFA is an integral part of the agricultural education classes. It is a student organization that makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. 


The Loris High FFA organization participates and SUCCEEDS in regional, state, and national events. The group attends leadership conferences and receives great recognition for Horry County and the Loris area!  Students are able to earn Greenhand Degrees, Chapter Degrees, State Degrees, and eventually the coveted American FFA Degree. Students also compete in CDEs where they are able to place and earn plaques for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. 


LHS FFA is a proud, 3 star gold national chapter!



image of FFA logo
